Thursday, May 8, 2008

What a ________ life I lead...

Hi everyone!

I'm currently listening to Out of Line by The Bravery

I feel like I am going mildly crazy. Has my world been replaced with an alternate reality? Today I had an interesting conversation with someone who I don't know...

Girl: I'm glad we talked, you seem very nice
Me: Thanks.
Girl: I really should have known that you would have been nice though.
Me: Oh?
Girl: Yeah because you're, you know, padded
Me: *lifted eyebrows* oh, because I'm fat I'm nice?
Girl: Well listen, I have to go, nice talking to you.

WHAT?!?!?!? I have never in my life heard this. Well, I've never heard someone being called "padded". Maybe I that's why my cat likes laying on me so much, I'M PADDED! Plus, I've never heard that fat people are nicer than skinny people. Maybe we're happy because we're full?

I am apparently much fatter than I thought, need to speed my diet up! (by the way I'm down 3 to 4 sizes (depending on where I shop) since January 1st) I understand that people don't call people fat unless they are trying to be hurtful, but I would rather be called fat than padded. Quite frankly I don't mind being called fat. It doesn't bother me. I have heard it since third grade, it rolls off the back now. Sometimes I like to get people who think they are being hurtful, like so.

other person: fat ass!
me: *shocked SINCERE tone* what? I'm fat? Oh my god, I always said I would rather be stupid than fat! Have you wished the same thing?
other person: (one response) yeah! (other response) silence
me: (no matter what response) looks like God listened to your pleas.

Hahahaha, I crack myself up. Sadly, I could only use these gems on six or so occasions.

In all seriousness though, I do realize that obesity is one of America's top health problems, it's a problem in my own family. Only two people in my family are healthy, both of them male. I want to be the first female who is healthy. I have other reasons though. Reasons that people don't talk about. Like being able to fit into fashionable clothes, being able to shop with all my friends, and order a Big Mac (or the likes) without people giving you THAT LOOK. If you are fat you know the look I'm talking about, the "do you really need the LARGE fries?" look. It's almost laughable.

Once I was with my grandma and mom at the movies. My grandma likes her buttered popcorn a certain way, lots of butter. So we asked the cashier to put butter on it halfway through. Simple request. The lady in line next to my mom (who was ordering as well) decided to make a comment to her cashier. Her words? "Do you really think she needs the extra butter?". When has our country become so rude?

Shouldn't it be my choice (or my grandma's) to clog my arteries? The lady's cashier looked really uncomfortable when she made this comment, he ended up saying nothing. Part of me wanted to knock that lady out. HOW RUDE! *sighs* I'm lamenting on something that is in the past. The hard thing is that it happens everyday. So I know it may be the wrong reason, but I'm getting skinny so I don't have to deal with it.

= )


PS- I would like to add something. I am completely flipping hot. I dress well, buy nice clothes, shoes, etc. I always do my hair nicely, and make sure I shower and put deodorant on. I am flipping GORGEOUS!

PPS- aka I have very high self esteem

PPPS- Not mention my personality is kickass.

PPPPS- aka I'm quite a catch

PPPPPS- boys, leave your number in the comments and you could get with all of this!

PPPPPPS- I love myself, what a sense of humor I have

PPPPPPPS- I was kidding in the PPPPPS, not really...


Triss Teh said...

Ink Soul?-But that would be copyright.

PPPPPPPPS-- 333-333-3333

It's the best.

Soul Ink said...

"Ink Soul?-But that would be copyright"


AlwaysEloquent said...

so...I officially love you! you make me smile : ) this blog was really open and soul-bearing. kind of like the conversation you and I had at work the other day...yeah...

Triss Teh said...


Soul Ink said...

I'm still confuzzled, sorry...

Jon said...

Padded? WTF?

Soul Ink said...

I know! You can't make this shit up.