Monday, June 16, 2008

Just to break my fall

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to Fidelity by Regina Spektor.

Well, I was at the library today and picked up two books, Offbeat Museums: The Collections and Curators of America's Most Unusual Museums and 2008 Photographer's Market. So, there is a museum I wouldn't mind visiting so I am going to tell you about it... - The museum of menstruation. I have always had a fascination with menstruating. How did they deal with it in the 300s? Just bizarre questions that no one seems to know the answers to. People didn't document women bleeding from their vaginas as much as their recent boar kill...

Thought it was interesting...

= )


1 comment:

AlwaysEloquent said...

Only you...only you...only you make me smile! I was finishing my book today (the third one this vacation, mind you) and this actually came up...I got a little kick out of reading this poste after I read this! xoxoxo