Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sky is good for me!

Hey Everyone!

I'm currently watching a baby monitor still.

So, I just read Sky's new blog post and I have been thinking lately on how much he has influenced me. I have grown up in a very materialistic town where people feel very entitled to the nicest things. I am not materialistic and it annoys me to no end that people who surround me are. I have stopped being friends with people based on it. I don't care if you just bought a new coach purse and have eighteen Chanel dresses. I don't really see the purpose it buying something for 10x the amount just because it has a designer stamp on it. I am not saying that you can't buy designer things, I have Coach purses, I have a Gucci scarf, I have other purses as well. [I've never actually bought any of it for myself though] I have gotten them as gifts. I'm not saying I wouldn't buy it for myself, just haven't yet. Having a couple of staple items, is great! I feel like I have gotten off topic though.

Even though the materialism bug hasn't bitten me, I am not completely perfect. Sky has some ideas about helping the economy HERE that I agree with. Once I hear him say them, it makes so much sense. I have always preferred to buy American products, but with the down turn in the economy, it is so much easier to run to the bargain store and buy a product made in China for a cheaper price. However, if we support American made products, it is better for the American economy. Makes sense. I have started to implement this in my life. I made a conscious decision yesterday to make sure I bought an American product. It is easy. Reading some labels, maybe forking over a couple extra bucks, but if it means an upturn in the economy, it's worth it... at least to me. So yeah, I feel like this might have been a little all over the place, but that's it.



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