Thursday, September 4, 2008


Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Alrighty, well as you all know I am a senior. I have developed this schoolgirl crush on a boy in one of my classes. Actually two boys, in two separate classes. However one of them is so completely wrong for me. Not in the sense that he is a bad person, as far as I know he isn't into drugs or anything bad. He actually is quite smart and very funny. I am naming him Stone. But the whole thing really is a schoolgirl crush. I feel so silly. I mean, if this was going to happen why now? Why not when I was a younger?

I stumbled across a quote though. I thought it was so spot on. It is about trying to get a woman. "Tell the smart ones they're pretty and the pretty ones they're smart". I was thinking about it and it is so true. How sad is that? I don't know... I mean, I know that I'm the same way, but I just think it is incredible saddening.

= )


1 comment:

Triss Teh said...

Tell them what they want to know, like mass media.