Thursday, September 18, 2008

Here's the thing...

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to Samson by Regina Spektor.

Okay, so my dear dear friend Twin is so beautiful. I am going to praise her endlessly here. She is gorgeous. It is an awkward thing to say to someone, I hope you realize this. It is weird to go up to someone and tell them they are actually breathtakingly beautiful. You can tell someone they look good that day or you like a certain feature about them, but telling them they are always so beautiful, that is awkward.

She is though. I know that, like every girl, she has her insecurities. More than she, or any girl, wants to admit she has. Or perhaps, she does admit them to true friends, for I know she has expressed some to me. I had told her that I know where she is coming from at one point and she pointed out the amount of boyfriends I have had. I then started to wonder if I truly did understand her.

I think that at a certain level I do, and at a certain level I don't. I know what it is like to wonder why every other girl, girls who are no doubt uglier or fatter or less intelligent, has a boyfriend and yet I am sitting here alone on this night alone.

I have gone father to look for a boyfriend than she has though. I know that for a fact. My insecurities led me into bad relationships. Perhaps she is doing it right. However, she deserves more than she thinks.

I wonder if my friends think the same thing. I wonder if they think I deserve as much as I think Twin does. I think she deserves the smartest, cutest, funniest, and most understanding guy. I might get a little jealous, but let's put a qualifier that says he has to have a TWIN brother, hahahaha. That way I get one too!

Anyways, I know you read my blog Twin, and I want you to know that these words are all true and they are strange to say in person, they fumble and tumble, never coming out quite like this.



1 comment:

AlwaysEloquent said... made me cry lol

that was wonderfully sweet and honest and *snifflesniffle* i love you! you are so sweet, kind, and honest and i will do my best to find a guy with a twin brother for you ; )

You have my <3 Love ya!
