Wednesday, September 10, 2008

And guess what?!?

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to So What by P!nk.

Well, what has been monopolizing most of my posts these past couple of times? That's just, Stone. It's funny because after my last boyfriend I was completely fine with just being by myself and not liking anyone. These feelings are so intense. They can't be categorized as anything other than lust... can they?

I would have never expected to fall in lust, or like, or whatever with Stone. But I guess the old adage, you can't chose who you love, is right. Although I am not in love. Let's just get that straight. I went out with Mediterranean today and I was telling her about it. She knows him so she could at least put a face with the name. I told her that I didn't expect anything to come of it then said I didn't want anything to come of it. She looked at me, I laughed, of course I want something to come out of it. That's what the humdinger is, no matter how much I know that nothing will come of it, I still want something to come of it.

Dang teenage hormones.

I was thinking about the future and life and the likes. I want to be in love. I sort of always pushed the notion aside and promised myself that love would never come into consideration in my life. Love makes you silly and do rash and stupid things. Perhaps though love isn't as bad as I once thought.

However, Puck is still in the picture. He is so sweet and who knows what goes on in his head. He is super smart and hell-a hilarious. I love being around him because he is so funny. However, I hear that he is like my ex, great friend and horrible boyfriend. I would be silly to involve myself in the same situation again. So, two boys, no choices. =)

Well, that's life, right?



1 comment:

AlwaysEloquent said...

there so ARE choices! and heall YEAH i think you want something to come from stone! DO YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF AT WORK?!?!? lol xoxoxo

don't hate me!