Thursday, April 3, 2008


Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to Sensitive Subject Matter by Bonnie McKee

This is pretty much a once in a lifetime thing, three posts in one day. But I'm in a blog-y kind of mood. And I'm excited to have this outlet as well. I am trying to write my story. I have (almost) 3000 words written. I write as much as I can however often I can, but that's rarely. I already know I'm hitting the sack in twenty minutes or so. Which means I really should be writing my story and not my blog. = P. ANYWAYS!

Writing is such a nice outlet. I recommend everyone tries it. Even if you write horribly, it is a good way to let out emotion and get the creative juices flowing. I started my story in a creative writing class and have continued every time I'm finished a little early in that class along with any spare time I have. Which of course I have none, but hey, who knows, maybe over the summer my time will be more free. And everyone tells me senior year is easier than junior year. Heck, every year is better than junior year. I love school, I adore school, but I hate certain things about junior year. Especially two of my classes. All of my other classes are just peachy, but two of them are complete TORTURE!

Well, good night for tonight (I promise)

= )


1 comment:

Triss Teh said...

I do declare that P.E. 9-10 is a total waste of my time. Give me Alegbra II any day.