Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hey Everyone!

I'm currently listening to Dickhead by Kate Nash.

Tonight is a titanic disappointment. Okay, not really. When I am in a sad mood I watch Titanic and cry and feel all better by the time that it ends. Don't ask why, it just is. Well, the other day I bought some mascara and decided I wanted to test out if it streaks. So today, I thought, what better way to do that then to put on Titanic?

The movie came on, and nothing. Not its usual effect. I think it is because I am so darn happy! Sky has put this happy spell over me. I even was disinterested in the movie. *shocked face* I mean, it's TITANIC!!!! How can you be disinterested??? But I was. So now I am wearing mascara and unable to cry. All thanks to Sky. Making me all cry resistant.



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