Friday, August 1, 2008

No Dog Days Here!

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You) by Fall Out Boy.

Okay, so I am back in my home sweet home abode. I have already seen Manhattan. She is coming over to my home sweet home abode later too. I am extremely tired, but I have way too much to do, no sleeping time. Actually, the reason I am blogging right now is because I have too much to do. What can I say, I procrastinate amazingly well. Okay, let's see. I need to do some work outside, which stinks, because I am not an outdoors girl, AT ALL! Then I need to put away my clothes and everything. Which probably won't be that bad, considering most of the stuff in my suitcase is underwear or formal dresses. I don't think I've ever owned so much underwear in my whole life.

Grandâme one day thought that I needed some new underwear. I was fine with that, every girl can always use some cute new things. However, forty minutes and two hundred dollars later, I have enough underwear to last me at least six months now. My mom thought getting me to do my laundry before was bad, now it'll be impossible.

Anyways, then I also have to clean the cat litter and random other little things. I am happy to be home though. Even if I am a little tired. I'm usually not even awake right now. Although I am really excited because Black Hockey Jesus emailed me! I get really excited over people whose blogs I like. Black Hockey Jesus happens to be one of those people. Really, go read him! He even has me on his blog roll. I know, impressive.

Okay, so I promised myself that I would write a complete post to TDK (The Dark Knight). That will be coming, so get ready for it. It will blow your mind. I saw it at 12:01 am on the Friday it opened. That's all I'm going to say for now.

Oh, for the people who are anxiously awaiting my soap opera blog, I need to catch up, I am two days behind the episodes. Sorry, but I have been away, cut me a break!

I really need to go and start doing the things that I have been procrastinating against. =( Well, I am going back to everyday posts!



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