Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Weighty problem

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to I'm the Man by Elliot Yamin.

Okay, so you all have read about my weight, issues. I have been trying and trying to lose weight for a while. I exercised (really hardcore exercised) with my personal trainer, for the first time in like about a month and a half, yesterday. It was intense and I am so sore today. It did get me thinking though because I gained about 8 pounds in the month of July. It started me thinking if I really want to go down this path.

I hate being my size, literally despise it. However, I love eating (never would have guessed it...). My love of eating might just take over my hatred of my size. So, have been thinking. I only have my senior year left. Then I am going to be off in the real world. I can find someone who is more mature and willing to look past my weight to love me. Trust me, even though I am heavy, I am nowhere near ugly. I'm also quite funny and intelligent (extremely modest too =D ). So I figure, why give up my love of eating for something so trivial as weight?

There is this battle being waged inside my mind. So I figure, I lose thirty more pounds and then I will decide if I want to go any further. This battle is consuming my soul though, too bad it doesn't consume some of my fat, then it would be win-win...



1 comment:

AlwaysEloquent said...

Well...I love you just the way you are!!! lol