Monday, August 4, 2008

College bound...

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to Love me Dead by Ludo. (Thanks to Twin for the recommendation)

So, obviously I have been thinking about college a lot lately. Why obviously? Well, because that is the age I am at. So, I have taken on the assumption that I will go to a midsized private university (approx. 8000 students). I love the campus and student body. I actually love the school. However, a new thought entered my head this summer.

I love my mom. I actually really adore her. You have all read about my dad. (Here and Here) That has made me become really close to my mom. So, this summer was a really hard time for me because I missed her a great deal. So I am looking into some quality four year universities that I can commute to. Just to look into it, you know? We'll see...



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