Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Everybody Have Fun...

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to I'm not that Girl from the musical Wicked.

So, my 18th birthday is coming up really soon. I am very excited about it. There is a local 18+ store, a bit on the naughty side if you know what I mean, and my friends and I are going there. It will be Twin, Mediterranean, Platinum (another really close friend of mine), and Manhattan. The only thing is that Manhattan is not 18. So I feel sort of bad because she isn't going to be able to come to that part of the celebration. When I brought it up to her she said that it was better because she thinks it's stupid and she wouldn't want to be seen there. I mean, to each their own, but that sort of hurt. I mean, we are going there to have a good laugh, nothing weird.

Oh, but afterwards I am going to a semi-local video store that has a 18+ section and we are getting some "sensitive materials". I am looking forward to it. I think it will be really funny and I think it'll be a good time overall.

Enough about that. I know that I haven't written about my 'book' in a while. I have started working on it again. Twin is a writer as well and she was talking to me about writing some stuff out of order and since I don't know how to connect the part I'm on now with where I want it to go, I am writing the future scene and going back to connect later. I hope all works out. I am having Twin read part of it tomorrow. I am really nervous because she will be the first person to read it. AHHHH! So, yeah, that's my life.

Oh, wait, River and Ginger are amazing. I'll tackle them one at a time. (Oh and I need to talk about Noodles too!) So River is amazingly funny. I feel like he is one of the most brilliant men I have ever met. He seems to have a neverending wealth of knowledge. I find myself wanting to talk to him all the time because I feel like he inspires me not only to be a better student but also to incorporate my intelligence into everyday conversations. However I feel like a fool because I feel like there is always something I say that makes me feel like an idiot.

Ginger has been having a hard time with our class. It's not his fault, the class is out of control. He is really doing his best and he is an amazing teacher. (oh, and not that I was looking but he has a really great butt as well) He is moving seats tomorrow and I have a thing about sitting in the front of the classroom so I waited after class to talk to him. He seemed so dejected, it broke my heart. I asked him to try and take into consideration that I like sitting in the front and he said that he could do that. He then proceeded to tell me how much he appreciates me in that class. I thought it was really sweet because it's stuff like that keeps me behaving. He's a great guy and I feel bad that the class is so awful.

Okay, now, since I was just talking about moving seats... Noodles moved our seats and so now I'm not sitting next to Puck anymore! I'm definitely sad. Puck and I talked and he is sooo sweet. Now I won't be able to talk to him as much... =( Silly Noodles...



1 comment:

AlwaysEloquent said...

Hey!!! Yay for naughty stores! : )
Read any good nonfiction books lately...?
