Thursday, October 9, 2008

Big Problems in a Little Life

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to Won't Go Home Without You by Maroon 5.

Whoa Everyone. Let's stop for a moment and take a step back into the world of reality. My life has been changed in the past week. I don't want to think about it in terms of that, but I have changed in a major way.

It's funny because I know not too many people read my blog (hello to the people who do though) but I still don't want to alienate the people who do read it. I feel like exposing the part of me that has changed would make everyone shut down their computers and turn me out of their lives.

I don't know what I'm doing. I am thinking things through though. It makes me feel good, I feel prettier than I have in the longest time. I know it shouldn't. I really do know that. I know that it's something that I maybe shouldn't have done. But you know what? I'm going to do it again. How can I deny something that feels so right?

But does it feel right?



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