Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Hi Everyone!

I’m currently listening to The Sound of White by Missy Higgins.

River gave me this amazing publication today. It is a literary magazine that has some amazing pieces in it. One piece, actually the very first piece, made my heart stop. Its beauty was overwhelming. I have been reading it throughout my school day, becoming more and more enchanted with each word, with each syllable.

I like to sing. I listen to my IPOD frequently throughout the day at school. I find that I have this overwhelming desire to belt out certain songs sometimes. I think that music is powerful. It speaks to everyone. There is music for every mood, for every person. Sometimes I swear I can feel the music inside of me. I just like it that much.

Where any preconceived ideas were blown away… *me singing*

So, anyhow. I hate it when I come up with something so extremely brilliant and perfect, then fourteen minutes later when I go to write it down, I am completely blank. Oh sure, I have the general idea of what my plan was, of the words I found so perfect only minutes earlier. I can’t seem to string the words together right though. They come out jumbled and wrong. Just plain wrong. It’s quite annoying.

Today feels like a Friday. Which makes me sad, because I wish it was Friday. I got really sad when I realized it was not Friday, but Wednesday. Wednesday is good too though. Wednesday is good too.



1 comment:

Triss Teh said...

Yeah, the words form perfectly only once.