Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blah Blah Balls

Hello Everyone!

I'm currently listening to Chasing Pavements by Adele.

Okay, so it's weird. I am twisted all up in pain. Physical pain, so don't go worrying about my mental state. Meh, it's all good though. Some meds will take care of it.

I had to pick my mom up early from work, which I didn't find out until twenty minutes before I had to leave. :( So now I'm sitting in a Starbucks (using WiFi) while she shops until we leave to go to a party. Mmmm, frapp.

Anyways. Sooooo, my life is good. I got Twin to join in on something with me. It is soooo exciting!!!!! Waaaaa!

I'm hopeful. Maybe, just maybe. I'm vague but I'm being vague for good reason.



1 comment:

AlwaysEloquent said...

AWWW hope you feel better! I love you!