Sunday, January 17, 2010

I'm Stealing a Cat.

Hey Everyone!

I'm currently listening to Ghost of Me by Chris Daughtry.

There is this little kitty that lives under my house. It has to be really young looking at the size of it. I am luring it into my loving home. It will work. Almost got it three nights ago. I plan on catching it this week. I will keep you updated. I named it Skittles.



Monday, January 4, 2010


Hey Everyone.

I'm currently listening to Cowboy Casanova by Carrie Underwood.

So I've been jobless for a few months now. It is very frustrating. I got a 'lead' [?] on a local movie rental place, and was told to call back after the holidays. I took that to mean January 1st. Apparently it meant December 25th, because I called today and guess what? They are training the people they hired. >.< It makes me want to cry. I had really high hopes since they were at a desperate need for people. Apparently at such a need they hired people in the 6 days between my 'holiday' discrepancy.

It really supremely sucks major ass because I am not bringing any money into the house. It makes me feel awful every time that I need something or want something. Stuff that is needed, like shampoo, I feel awful about buying.

I know that I contribute to the house in my own way, cleaning, taking care of the dogs, taking care of the house, doing anything that Sky needs me to, but it is FRUSTRATING. I am capable of working. I want to work! I know that in this economy I am not the only one looking. But really, I would take anything. Part-time? Sure! I just would like to bring some moo-la home for the house...

