Thursday, August 28, 2008

School's Back

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to Daughter to Father by Lindsey Lohan.

So, school has started and back to the grindstone once again. I sort of just want to talk about my life events right now.

First period I have AP English IV. The teacher, I shall call him River. Well, River is what every teacher should be like. He is so smart and really gets me excited for class and learning, well, him and the material. This one guy who I despise is in the class, but so is one of my really good friends. So I guess it's a bit of a give and take situation.

Second period is my history class. The teacher is constantly cracking jokes and just being nice. I was really looking forward to this class because there are so many people who I don't actually know, but today we worked in groups and of course the teacher paired me up with three girls I knew. I was sort of frustrated, and I think I took it out on them. Whoops. Well, they were being apathetic, and I hate that.

Third period I have NOTHING. It is a nice break in my day. I have definitely been taking advantage of it.

Fourth period is my AP french class. The teacher I shall call Noodles. Well, Noodles is soooo nice. I had her my fresh and soph year, so we have a great rapport. Also, a nice boy is in my class (I am naming him Puck). So Puck sits close to me and he is really funny and super nice. I hear from my sources (his ex) that he is like my ex, a good friend and a bad boyfriend. Oh well, it's always nice to have a bit of eye candy.

Fifth period I have astronomy. I am really interested in this class. I will probably try and take another course in college. However, because it is a low level elective many students in it look at it as a blowoff class and just talk and disrespect the teacher. (I'm calling the teacher Ginger). I am probably one of three people who are respectful. I don't like that. But I love the class.

Sixth is nothing again.

Seventh is my computer programming class. I am the ONLY girl. UGH! I only know one boy in there, luckily he is really nice and we're friends.

Eighth I have River again as my teacher. I love this class, it is a class that analyzes media. I am loving it already, right now we are thinking about music and I have to pick five significant songs. It has turned out to be quite difficult to choose five.

Then last is gym. uggh, don't even make me talk about this.



Friday, August 22, 2008

My life =)

Hello Everyone!

I am currently listening to Shut up and Drive by Rihanna.

So, it has been a while since my last post. I am truly sorry about that. My mom has been home constantly though and it has been hard to get a moment away. It really has. But I am back! I promise!!! So, I have been reading a lot lately. I love it. I might make another blog page that talks about the books I read. Who knows though. I have so much on my plate with this blog, Llanview Musings, and real life, that I barely have time for anything else.

I babysat yesterday. It was so nice. I have been babysitting this one girl for a couple of years and this summer I haven't done it at all because of my being out of the area. So yesterday was really nice. I am really sad though because her mother asked if I could babysit Sunday or Monday and I couldn't either day. I'm going to see TDK for the third time on Sunday (with Twin and Flash) and on Monday I am going to go for an adrenaline ride with some family. I am really excited. I am working Saturday (with Twin and Flash) then don't have work until Wednesday.

I have been working with Flash a lot lately and I have come to really adore him. He is soo funny and just a great person to be around. I am happy to be back at work and around the people I have come to love.

Not much else is going on in my life. I start my final year of high school in FOUR DAYS! It makes me a bit crazy thinking about it. I literally have dreams about it. Not the days, but little things like finding a parking spot. Sort of crazy. Speaking of parking spots though, my mom is buying our second car Labor day weekend and I am SOOOOO EXCITED. That means I get the current car!!!!!! I get the car!!!! WOO HOO!!!

= D


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Love at first laugh

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to Piece of Me by Britney Spears.

I would like to address the brilliance of something. A television show. The Office. O-M-G. I am officially in love. When the show started, I wrote it off as another dumb show. I watched once and didn't really get the humor of it all. However this summer I started watching it for free here. I was laughing so hard Hattie would look at me like I was crazy.

I couldn't get enough. So when I returned home I put each season on hold at my local library. I watched them like a crack addict looking for their next score. I just got season three today and I am beyond excited. I LOVE this show! I am just saying, if you aren't watching this show, you are missing out on something so superbly amazing.

I love Jim. He seems like one of those guys who is the perfect man. He has such a good sense of humor, and he is good lookin'. Since I've already seen season four, it sort of ruins season three's Karen thing, but whatever.

I just wanted to inform you of my new love...



Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Weighty problem

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to I'm the Man by Elliot Yamin.

Okay, so you all have read about my weight, issues. I have been trying and trying to lose weight for a while. I exercised (really hardcore exercised) with my personal trainer, for the first time in like about a month and a half, yesterday. It was intense and I am so sore today. It did get me thinking though because I gained about 8 pounds in the month of July. It started me thinking if I really want to go down this path.

I hate being my size, literally despise it. However, I love eating (never would have guessed it...). My love of eating might just take over my hatred of my size. So, have been thinking. I only have my senior year left. Then I am going to be off in the real world. I can find someone who is more mature and willing to look past my weight to love me. Trust me, even though I am heavy, I am nowhere near ugly. I'm also quite funny and intelligent (extremely modest too =D ). So I figure, why give up my love of eating for something so trivial as weight?

There is this battle being waged inside my mind. So I figure, I lose thirty more pounds and then I will decide if I want to go any further. This battle is consuming my soul though, too bad it doesn't consume some of my fat, then it would be win-win...



Monday, August 4, 2008

College bound...

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to Love me Dead by Ludo. (Thanks to Twin for the recommendation)

So, obviously I have been thinking about college a lot lately. Why obviously? Well, because that is the age I am at. So, I have taken on the assumption that I will go to a midsized private university (approx. 8000 students). I love the campus and student body. I actually love the school. However, a new thought entered my head this summer.

I love my mom. I actually really adore her. You have all read about my dad. (Here and Here) That has made me become really close to my mom. So, this summer was a really hard time for me because I missed her a great deal. So I am looking into some quality four year universities that I can commute to. Just to look into it, you know? We'll see...



Sunday, August 3, 2008

Movie Stars and Tears Worth Gold Plated Mice

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to Fat Bottom Girls by Queen.

Okay, so I am a bit of a movie aficionado, at least that's what I tell myself to justify watching all those movies... I can cry at almost any movie, horror, drama, comedy, anything. It is one of my hidden talents. I barely cry to real life stuff, but once that movie reel gets started, so do my tear ducts.

I do admit to being one of those girls who wants that movie-esque romance. I sit at movies wondering when my Bill/Noah/Patrick/Scott/Dean/Hank/other will show up and sweep me off my feet. I am not looking for flowers delivered daily or dinners on the top of the Empire State building. I am simply looking for a man who loves me as much as I love him. It always seems like those guys are housed in hushed movie theaters and on my television screen.

Well, that was a sad look into my life...

= (


PS- if someone can correctly identify all of the 6 fictional men who I mentioned, then I shall give them something, Bill is a hard one. So are two maybe three others.

Friday, August 1, 2008

No Dog Days Here!

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You) by Fall Out Boy.

Okay, so I am back in my home sweet home abode. I have already seen Manhattan. She is coming over to my home sweet home abode later too. I am extremely tired, but I have way too much to do, no sleeping time. Actually, the reason I am blogging right now is because I have too much to do. What can I say, I procrastinate amazingly well. Okay, let's see. I need to do some work outside, which stinks, because I am not an outdoors girl, AT ALL! Then I need to put away my clothes and everything. Which probably won't be that bad, considering most of the stuff in my suitcase is underwear or formal dresses. I don't think I've ever owned so much underwear in my whole life.

Grandâme one day thought that I needed some new underwear. I was fine with that, every girl can always use some cute new things. However, forty minutes and two hundred dollars later, I have enough underwear to last me at least six months now. My mom thought getting me to do my laundry before was bad, now it'll be impossible.

Anyways, then I also have to clean the cat litter and random other little things. I am happy to be home though. Even if I am a little tired. I'm usually not even awake right now. Although I am really excited because Black Hockey Jesus emailed me! I get really excited over people whose blogs I like. Black Hockey Jesus happens to be one of those people. Really, go read him! He even has me on his blog roll. I know, impressive.

Okay, so I promised myself that I would write a complete post to TDK (The Dark Knight). That will be coming, so get ready for it. It will blow your mind. I saw it at 12:01 am on the Friday it opened. That's all I'm going to say for now.

Oh, for the people who are anxiously awaiting my soap opera blog, I need to catch up, I am two days behind the episodes. Sorry, but I have been away, cut me a break!

I really need to go and start doing the things that I have been procrastinating against. =( Well, I am going back to everyday posts!

