Saturday, May 10, 2008

A few of my favorite things/people because people aren't objects

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently listening to Dream On by Michael Johns.

I have given two of my actual friends this url to see my blog. This is like my baby. I don't really want just anyone seeing it. Especially because I talk about my ubersecret crush on an older man. = ) Anyways, there are a couple of things I would like to say about my friends.

I feel so comfortable around two people who I met this year. (The two people who read this people) (YES YOU!) I wish I had gotten closer to them before this year. One of them I met through work and we are the same person. (I'm writing about you, happy?) I really feel like I can be myself around her. meows and quacks and everything. I find myself telling her things that I don't tell anyone else because they are private and I just don't find myself sharing a lot.

The other girl is someone I wish I got to know better last year. She is funny and I always know I can talk to her about anything. I swear I have never laughed so much in my life. I feel that by knowing her I have become a better person. Which seems silly, but is true. She has quickly become someone who I can confide in.

I appreciate both of these girls a lot. I find myself thinking about the friends I do have, and whether they are true friends or not. High school is quickly coming to an end (for most of my friends within a month and only another year for me). Everyone is going in such different directions and it is up to you if you want to make an effort to stay friends. I can think of five, maybe six people who I will fight to stay friends with. I'm not saying I'm going to cease talking to my other friends as soon as high school ends. I'm sure an occasional "hello" or "do you want to hang out" will be exchanged, but I will not fight to make sure it happens. The really funny thing is three of those five or six people I have just met/become close to this year.




shakesecretriteskies said...


we better stay friends!

AlwaysEloquent said...

hey! totally JUST read this and i am glad you wrote about me! ; ) lol anyway...still waiting on a nickname! jk, i <3 you and you still have another year with me, at least! we will be close forever! i just know it!